Press Sample
Good afternoon, readers! It's officially Spring Break from school here so it's been a little crazy compared to my normal week. I'm going to try to post as I normally do, but we will see how it goes with both kids home all day! Today's post is a review of the new trio of polishes for Spring by Liquidus Nail Gloss.
If you remember my older posts on Liquidus Nail Gloss, I've talked before about how much I love the inspiration behind this company. All of the polishes are inspired by rocks, gems, and minerals. How fun is that? Finding the true beauty in nature and translating it to nail polish!
Liquidus Morganite:
Inspired by the soft pinks of the mineral, Morganite, this polish is a milky light pink with a touch of shimmer.
I'm showing three coats below with no top coat.
I did a google image search for Morganite and this is what I found:
Liquidus Rose Quartz:
Inspired by the sparkly gleam of the mineral, Rose Quartz, this polish is a bright pink micro glitter in a clear base.
I'm showing one coat below over Morganite, with no top coat. It spread nicely and was dense enough to not need more than one coat. This is a great pairing!
I did a google image search for Rose Quartz and this is what I found:
Liquidus Peridot:
Inspired by the bright yellow-green mineral, Peridot, this polish is a lovely neon green jelly that plays well with glitter of any color.
Below I am showing three coats with no top coat. This would be perfect for pond manis or jelly sandwiches.
I did a google image search for Peridot and this is what I found:
There are the three new polishes by Liquidus Nail Gloss! What do you think of them? Which is your favorite? Don't you just love the inspiration behind these polishes?
Liquidus Nail Glosses retail for $9 full size bottles(.5 fl oz) and $6 mini bottles(.25 fl oz) each at the shop below.
**I have a COUPON CODE for 10% off the entire shop: AIA10off. This is good for two weeks!**
Liquidus Nail Gloss Links:
Thanks so much for reading!
*The polishes in this post were sent for me to review with my honest opinion.