Good afternoon, readers! Where are my Doctor Who fans? Any newbies? Anyone like me and really loving the new season with Peter Capaldi as the 12th Doctor? I must confess that I have liked every Doctor, so I'm not surprised at how much I like Capaldi now as well. I think each actor has brought something new to the table. A new title sequence accompanied the start of Capaldi's season and it is very eye catching! I was inspired from the first episode to do nail art like this, and only just now was able to get the time to do it. From twisting clockwork pieces, spiraling hours of a clock, the TARDIS, and some pretty Galifreyan circles in space, these nails represent the new intro!
Unfortunately, if you aren't a Whovian, you probably have no idea what's on my nails right now. And for that, I don't apologize. Instead, I urge you to start up your Netflix and start watching one of my favorite shows!!
The design was all freehanded with polish, aside from the index finger. For that, I used individual clockwork pieces from the Bundle Monster BM-415 stamping plate and different metallic colors to create the same illusion of layers of pieces around the outside edge. A matte top coat made for the perfect finish.
Unfortunately, if you aren't a Whovian, you probably have no idea what's on my nails right now. And for that, I don't apologize. Instead, I urge you to start up your Netflix and start watching one of my favorite shows!!
The design was all freehanded with polish, aside from the index finger. For that, I used individual clockwork pieces from the Bundle Monster BM-415 stamping plate and different metallic colors to create the same illusion of layers of pieces around the outside edge. A matte top coat made for the perfect finish.
What do you think? Thanks so much for reading! And how awesome was this past weekend's episode?!!